Exercise for Belly Fat

Belly fat is a very big issue. Exercise for belly fat is it’s solution. It not only affects your body but also causes many diseases including high blood pressure. Many people think that crunch exercises can reduce belly fat. If you really want to lose belly fat, you should start doing cardio exercises and other workouts along with adopting a good lifestyle. In this article, we will tell you about effective belly exercises which will help you in reducing belly fat. Exercises burn calories and also help your metabolism. So let’s get started and know how to do them.

1- Understanding Belly Fat:

Belly fat not only ruins the body shape but is also the cause of many health issues. Many people think that belly fat is just due to overeating but there are other factors behind it like poor diet, stress, lack of exercise and hormonal imbalance. We have to first understand this and there is a different way to get rid of each type of fat.

Types of Belly Fat

Subcutaneous Fat:
  • This type is present under the skin and is also punctual
  • Everyone has this fat but if it becomes excessive then the body looks bad
  • It is not harmful but if you want abs then it is very important to work on it
Visceral Fat:
  • It accumulates near the liver, stomach and heart.
  • It increases the risk of diabetes, heart diseases and blood pressure, hence it is dangerous.
  • Most of the time, it is caused by excessive stress or not eating properly.

Why Does Belly Fat Accumulate?

  Some of the things that can cause belly fat to increase are:

  • Poor Diet:

              Junk food is a fat store and unhealthy food also increases belly fat.

  • Lack of Physical Activity:

             If you are mostly sitting or have a sedentary job, then belly fat can increase. Apart from this, not doing workouts can also cause this.

  • Stress & Hormonal Imbalance:

            When we take too much stress, the body releases a hormone called cortisol hormone. Apart from this, there is a metabolism process due to which fat reduction is a problem.

  • Aging & Genetics:

            Just as there is an increase in metabolism process, genetics also plays a role in fat gain. If your parents are obese, then there are chances that you may also have it.

Exercise for Belly Fat


Losing belly fat is not only important for a great body but also for good health. If you want to lose belly fat, diet is not the only thing you need to follow but also proper workouts. Some exercises like cardio, strength training and core exercises not only burn calories but also boost your metabolism process and help in toning your abs.

Let’s take a look at some of the best exercises that are helpful in reducing belly fat!

Cardio Workouts

Cardio exercises are the best way to burn fat. They not only burn calories but also speed up and boost your metabolism process, which helps in overall weight loss.

  • Running / Jogging

Running or you can also call it jogging is the best way to lose fat. It not only improves heart health but also boosts your metabolism process.

Duration: Jog for at least 30-40 minutes every day.

  • Jump Rope (Skipping Rope)

Jumping rope is the best way to lose fat from the whole body. You can easily do this exercise at home.

Duration: Do this exercise for at least 10-15 minutes every day

  • HIIT Workouts (High-Intensity Interval Training)

HIIT is a combination of the most powerful exercises which is a great boost for fat loss. It also speeds up your metabolism process by 24-48 horses.

Example HIIT Routine:

Jump Squats – 40 secs

Mountain Climbers – 30 secs

Burpees – 30 secs

Rest – 20 secs

Repeat 3-4 rounds!

Strength Training

Strength training is not just for muscle gain, it is also very important for fat loss. When you do weight training, your body burns more calories and fat loss happens fast. Strength training not only helps in gaining muscle but also helps in fast weight loss. When you do any weight related training, your fat loss happens fast.

  • Squats

Squats are a great game for muscles and legs. It boosts metabolism.

Sets: 3 sets x 12 reps

  • Deadlifts

Deadlifts are great for strengthening the lower back and are also effective for burning fat.

Sets: 3 sets x 10 reps

  • Weighted Russian Twists

These exercises are effective for reducing side belly fat.

Sets: 3 sets x 20 reps (10 reps each side)

  • Core & Ab Workouts

Belly exercises do not directly target fat but strengthen your muscles, which results in toned abs.

  • Planks (Best Core Workout!)

The exercise strengthens the core and improves your posture.

Duration: Start with 30-40 secs, gradually increase to 1-2 mins

  • Bicycle Crunches

This is best for upper and lower abs and burns belly fat.

Sets: 3 sets x 15 reps each side

  • Hanging Leg Raises

These are best for burning fat from your hips and lower abs.

Sets: 3 sets x 12 reps

  • Mountain Climbers

This type of workout includes all cardio and core exercises.

Duration: 40 secs x 3 rounds

Exercise for Belly Fat

3- Conclusion:

Losing belly fat is not a matter of a few hours or days, but if you are consistent with this task, then it can be achieved. For this, you should adopt a combination of cardio, strength training and other core exercises to get fast and better results. So what are you waiting for, start today and achieve your fitness goals.

A combination of a balanced diet, cardio workouts and strength training helps to reduce and burn belly fat.
These exercises along with other activities like running, cycling and brisk walking not only reduce overall body fat but also reduce surface fat.

If you want to reduce belly fat in just a week then make slight changes in your lifestyle like running for 30 minutes daily and reduce the intake of fat, sugar and calories.

  • Food rich in protein and fiber
  • Lactose intolerance is a must check
  • Keep an eye on the liquids you consume
  • Include healthy fats in your diet instead of unnecessary fats
  • Avoid excess salt
  • Reduce sugar intake

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